Author: fr. Chmn
BRAP ON, DIG IT AND WEIRD OUT: A psychodramatic odissey of Skinny Puppy performances
Neolemurian primer
Twin Peaks Mythology and Cooper’s Katabasis
In honor of Timothy Leary: Neurocomics remastered and colored
I’m still very much haunted by the past: Interview with Kim Larsen (:Of The Wand & The Moon:)
Konfabulation: Paul von Aphid commemoration
Beyond Macumba: interview with Umbanda scholar
Celebration of Diversity: an interview with Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule
No expectation, no attachment, no judgement: an interview with Genesis P‑Orridge
The Enochian Apocalypse
Troum, Droning Mind (Interview with Troum)